First-Line Supervisors of Entertainment & Recreation Workers

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Job Outlook:
Education: High school diploma or equivalent
High: $73,010.00
Average: $48,630.00
Average: $23.38

Summary of What they do:

Directly supervise and coordinate activities of entertainment and recreation related workers.

  • Prepare operational reports or records.
  • Resolve customer complaints or problems.
  • Assign duties or work schedules to employees.
  • Develop plans for programs or services.
  • Confer with organizational members to accomplish work activities.
  • Supervise service workers.
  • Provide attraction or event information to patrons.
  • Explain regulations, policies, or procedures.
  • Inspect facilities.
  • Inspect equipment to ensure proper functioning.
  • Maintain knowledge of business operations.
  • Evaluate employee performance.
  • Maintain professional knowledge or certifications.
  • Organize recreational activities or events.
  • Manage operations of artistic or entertainment departments or organizations.
  • Support the professional development of others.
  • Perform human resources activities.
  • Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
  • Resolve customer complaints or problems.
  • Manage operations of artistic or entertainment departments or organizations.
  • Evaluate employee performance.
  • Explain regulations, policies, or procedures.
  • Train service staff.
  • Tasks On The Job

    1. Analyze and record personnel or operational data and write related activity reports.
    2. Apply customer feedback to service improvement efforts.
    3. Assign work schedules, following work requirements, to ensure quality and timely delivery of service.
    4. Collaborate with staff members to plan or develop programs of events or schedules of activities.
    5. Direct or coordinate the activities of entertainment and recreation related workers.
    6. Furnish customers with information on events or activities.
    7. Inform workers about interests or special needs of specific groups.
    8. Inspect work areas or operating equipment to ensure conformance to established standards in areas such as cleanliness or maintenance.
    9. Meet with managers or other supervisors to stay informed of changes affecting workers or operations.
    10. Observe and evaluate workers' appearance and performance to ensure quality service and compliance with specifications.
    11. Participate in continuing education to stay abreast of industry trends and developments.
    12. Plan, direct, or supervise recreational and entertainment activities led by staff, such as sports, aquatics, games, or performing arts.
    13. Provide staff with assistance in performing difficult or complicated duties.
    14. Recruit and hire staff members.
    15. Requisition supplies and equipment necessary for workers to facilitate recreational or entertainment activities, such as safety harnesses, flash lights, or first aid kits.
    16. Resolve customer complaints regarding worker performance or services rendered.
    17. Serve as a point of contact between managerial staff and leaders of recreational or entertainment activities.
    18. Take disciplinary action to address performance problems.
    19. Train workers in proper operational procedures and functions and explain company policies.

    Information provided by CareerFitter, LLC and other sources.

    Sections of this page includes information from the O*NET 27.3 Database by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). Used under the CC BY 4.0 license.

    CareerFitter, LLC has modified all or some of this information. USDOL/ETA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.