Your best career choices
are refined with the
Aptitude Aversion Assessment.
Uncover your work strengths and environment preferences.
Start by taking the Free Career Test
CareerFitter is the only career assessment integrating a personality test with a hybrid, work environment aptitude and aversion assessment called A3.
Your natural abilities and qualities, and how they impact you in a career or work environment.
Ex. If you are tall, you could be good at playing basketball, but wouldn’t fit in the cockpit of a plane as a pilot.
Your learned or experience-based responses to work environments and characteristics.
Ex. Your experiences have impacted the way you feel about things like blood, animals, heights, conflict, and more.

You are a dynamic and ever-evolving human being.
Your A3 responses can be updated at any time, with instantaneous changes to your list of best career matches.
The assessment that shows you real-time results.
The A3 compliments your Work Personality Career Assessment by calculating dynamic insights to your aversions and preferences. The results work in tandem to provide greater accuracy into the careers you should pursue...and those you shouldn’t.
Green shows your Primary Careers resulting from your personality career assessment
Yellow shows your Secondary Careers resulting from your personality career assessment
Orange shows the number of careers impacted by your Aptitude / Aversion Assessment answers.
Modern Careers aligned with your characteristic strengths and preferences
The A3 regularly updates to refocus on the characteristics of the modern work environment so you can compare the alignment your natural characteristic and strengths to over 900 modern careers.

“The combined power of their career tests assessing work personality, aptitude, and aversions is what sets CareerFitter apart.”
Dr. Norton, Psychologist
Let’s find your perfect careers.
The A3 is one of several career tools available within your Premium Dashboard.
Everything Included for $19.95 | one-time purchase, 1 year access
Begin with the free career test.