First-Line Supervisors of Security Workers

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Job Outlook:
Education: High school diploma or equivalent
High: $81,000.00
Average: $54,750.00
Average: $26.32

Summary of What they do:

Directly supervise and coordinate activities of security workers and security guards.

  • Communicate with management or other staff to resolve problems.
  • Manage human resources activities.
  • Assign duties or work schedules to employees.
  • Request emergency personnel.
  • Develop organizational methods or procedures.
  • Document operational procedures.
  • Document operational activities.
  • Explain regulations, policies, or procedures.
  • Inspect equipment to ensure safety or proper functioning.
  • Operate surveillance equipment to detect suspicious or illegal activities.
  • Investigate illegal or suspicious activities.
  • Monitor alarm systems.
  • Record operational or production data.
  • Maintain operational records.
  • Monitor access or flow of people to prevent problems.
  • Prevent unauthorized individuals from entering restricted areas.
  • Maintain surveillance of individuals or establishments.
  • Operate surveillance equipment to detect suspicious or illegal activities.
  • Monitor operations to ensure compliance with safety or security policies or regulations.
  • Supervise employees.
  • Order materials, supplies, or equipment.
  • Patrol properties to maintain safety.
  • Inspect facilities to ensure compliance with security or safety regulations.
  • Conduct eligibility or selection interviews.
  • Hire personnel.
  • Recruit personnel.
  • Schedule instructional activities.
  • Search individuals for illegal or dangerous items.
  • Operate surveillance equipment to detect suspicious or illegal activities.
  • Block physical access to restricted areas.
  • Provide safety training.
  • Train personnel to enhance job skills.
  • Conduct health or safety training programs.
  • Prepare financial documents, reports, or budgets.
  • Report information to managers or other personnel.
  • Prepare operational budgets.
  • Prepare investigation or incident reports.
  • Tasks On The Job

    1. Advise employees in handling problems or resolving complaints from customers, tenants, detainees, or other persons.
    2. Apprehend or evict trespassers, rule violators, or other security threats from the premises.
    3. Assign security personnel to posts or patrols.
    4. Call police or fire departments in cases of emergency, such as fire, bomb threats, and presence of unauthorized persons.
    5. Develop and document security procedures, policies, or standards.
    6. Explain company policies and procedures to staff using oral or written communication.
    7. Inspect and adjust security equipment to ensure it is operational or to detect evidence of tampering.
    8. Investigate disturbances on the premises, such as security alarms, altercations, and suspicious activity.
    9. Log items distributed to persons, such as keys and key cards.
    10. Monitor and authorize entry of employees, visitors, or other persons.
    11. Monitor closed-circuit television cameras.
    12. Monitor the behavior of security employees to ensure adherence to quality standards, deadlines, or procedures.
    13. Order materials or supplies, such as keys, uniforms, and badges.
    14. Patrol the premises to prevent or detect intrusion, protect property, or preserve order.
    15. Recruit, interview, and hire security personnel.
    16. Schedule training or drills for emergencies, such as fires, bombs, and other threats.
    17. Screen individuals and belongings to prevent passage of prohibited materials using walkthrough detectors, wands, or bag searches.
    18. Secure entrances and exits by locking doors and gates.
    19. Train security personnel on protective procedures, first aid, fire safety, and other duties.
    20. Write and present department budgets to upper management or other stakeholders.
    21. Write reports documenting observations made while on patrol.

    Information provided by CareerFitter, LLC and other sources.

    Sections of this page includes information from the O*NET 27.3 Database by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). Used under the CC BY 4.0 license.

    CareerFitter, LLC has modified all or some of this information. USDOL/ETA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.