Career Test
Discover which careers fit your personality strengths at work.
Discover which jobs fit you best.
- Engineer
- Lawyer
- Education Teacher
- Botanist
- Physician
- Psychologist
Trusted by millions of people, universities, and career advisors for over 20 years
Discover your perfect Careers & Jobs by uncovering your Work Personality Strengths

Step 1
Step 2
Free Summary
- Work Personality Strengths
- Optimal Work Environment
- Income Potential and more

Purchase your
Premium Results
Premium Sample
Step 3
Premium Career Dashboard
Your List of Best Careers

Your Work Personality Report


Work Personality Fingerprint

This is another assessment by CareerFitter that integrates after the work personality career
test to further refine
your best
career choices.
A3 is available for Premium Users.
the Aptitude Aversion Assessment

Why do students need to take this career test?

62% of college graduates
are not working in the field of their degree after college.
Average cost of college:
- Knowing your career personality helps you pursue a degree and career that will fulfill you.
- Increase your chance of success.
- Understanding the careers that fit your work personality can prevent years of wasted education, unnecessary education debt, and time lost in jobs that don’t make you happy.
Why is CareerFitter
the best career test?
Other “career tests” may be uncertified
with unknown origins.
CareerFitter has
provided career guidance to millions
of people around the world for over 20 years.
CareerFitter was
designed by leading psychologists
to uncover the characteristic strengths of your personality in a work environment.
Our questions and answers have evolving
algorithm guidance to help ensure accuracy.
CareerFitter offers a
satisfaction guarantee.

Are you a Career Coach, Counselor, or Human Resource Specialist?
CareerFitter provides a dashboard to keep your clients organized and helps you easily send a career assessment to your clients.
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