representing an IQ test

IQ Tests | Intelligence Test

An IQ Test, otherwise known as an intelligence test, is a test that is used to measure the innate intellectual ability of a person. This is not a test that is going to test you on what you've learned in school or through life but rather on your intellectual potential. 
Licensed professionals are the only ones who can administer an IQ test. They are trained to provide these tests because they have training in test administration, scoring, and interpretation. They are specialists who understand and know more about these types of tests and how to score them once the individual is done taking them. 
An IQ test scores you on a few different areas: logic, nonverbal reasoning, and problem-solving, as well as others. Those who want to know their intellectual abilities and potential would be someone who wants to take this type of test. 

Format of an IQ Test

An IQ test is given in a multiple-choice format. They are almost always timed, as well. 

Sample IQ Test Question

A steak was cooked in an electric oven at 395 degrees F for 3 hours. The internal temperature of the beef increased from 31 degrees F to 195 degrees F. What was the average increase in temperature per hour that the steak was cooked?

What are IQ Tests Good for?

Usually, IQ tests are used to determine which educational path a person should choose based on their intellectual abilities and potential. These tests can also be ideal for those who want to determine the best career path for their abilities based on the results. This can help you choose a school or training that matches what you'd be able to do and keep up with. 

Biased Testing

Some believe that IQ tests were made for well-educated, mainstream Western Culture individuals. This is thought to influence the results of the test that people get.  

Tests have been created to help bridge this cultural gap.

IQ Test Options
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales and Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales IQ tests are widely recognized and were designed to help bridge the cultural gap. They are considered the most accepted for testing purposes.
Can an IQ test help you find a career?

IQ tests can provide insights into your potential intelligence level, but they don't necessarily indicate the best career fit for that level. Understanding your intellectual capacity can be useful in determining if you're suited for careers that demand higher intelligence. However, an IQ test alone isn't sufficient to make this determination.

Taking a legitimate IQ test can give you an idea about which careers might suit you best and help narrow down your options. For example, if you're aiming for a career in high-level education fields like neuroscience or brain surgery, a higher IQ score could be advantageous. While a lower IQ doesn't preclude you from these professions, it might make the educational journey more challenging, as these careers often align with specific intellectual abilities.

To ensure accuracy and relevance, it's recommended to search for certified, professional IQ testing services in your area.

It would be beneficial to complement an IQ test with a career assessment test to also identify personality strengths and interests. This approach provides a more comprehensive way to find appropriate career paths.